Monday, June 2, 2014

The White Ribbon (Das Weisse Band) (2009)

The White Ribbon (Das Weisse Band) (2009)

by Michael Haneke

Review and Analysis by Carl Roberson Faust

The White Ribbon (Das Weisse Band) is a 2009 German language film from critically acclaimed Austrian filmmaker, Michael Haneke. Objectively, this film is a functional masterpiece; while most films are impeded by child performances, the child actors in The White Ribbon are exemplary and extremely convincing. The performances of every actor and child shows a dynamic range of emotion that contributes to the power and weight of the film. Despite this, Haneke goes to great lengths to distance the audience from the actors on screen. The very first line of voice-over dialogue we hear is, "I don't know if the story that I want to tell you reflects the truth in every detail. Much of it I only know by hearsay, and a lot of it remains obscure to me even today..." The narrator is not seen as omniscient, but rather humble and unopinionated. His purpose as the narrator is not to muddy the plot with beliefs or opinions but to provide the audience with the information he knows as simply as he can. During an interview with Timeout magazine, Haneke stated, "The use of black and white is similar - to create a distance from a false naturalism that suggests we know exactly what happened and we're going to show it to you." In short, The White Ribbon is a visual masterpiece littered with beautiful cinematography, unbelievable performances, and a captivating story that fascinates the viewer.

The film depicts the life of a small, fictional German village by the name of Eichwald in the year preceding the first World War. A series of unexplainable events occur; a doctor's horse is tripped on wire riding home, a newborn's window is left open resulting in sickness, the son of the baron is kidnapped and tortured, a farmer's wife is killed from falling through rotting floorboards, a nurse's disabled son is badly beaten nearly to blindness, and so on. No culprit is ever found for these crimes, and it seems as though they were all simply strange coincidences. However, on one's second-or-third viewing, it becomes clear that the suspicious behavior of the children is reason to suspect their guilt. When the narrator confronts the young
Martin, after witnessing him precariously walking across the railing of a suspended bridge, Martin states, "I gave God a chance to kill me. He didn't do it. So he's pleased with me... he doesn't want me to die." Martin does not respond when asked why God would want him to die. This notably shifty behavior is present in the children throughout the film's length. Even at the beginning, when the children of the village flock to the doctor's daughter, Klara, just a few hours after the doctor's tragic accident, the narrator notes, "If I recall correctly, it seemed odd to me that the kids, instead of scampering after school to their homes, headed together to the exit of the village." Haneke lingers on the shot of the boys and girls walking together for a very long time, allowing the unease to settle on the audience. And that is, perhaps, the greatest noun to describe this film - unease. The viewer can sense the tension in every scene and share the emotions of every traumatized character in this mysterious tragedy, but payoff does not arrive until the very end, with the outbreak of World War I. The announcement of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand comes as kind of a relief, a fitting resolution to a story that has not ended. In fact, this story is just a prologue. The events in The White Ribbon only set the stage for the world that will be enveloped by the first and second Great Wars. As some chaotic force causes unexplainable events, upsetting the balance of the small village, neighbors turn on neighbors, family orders are disturbed, and the stability of the community is brought down by the omnipresent fear and distrust. This film reveals the back story to the Age of Anxiety. There are countless examples of how the society of this village is destabilized and made vulnerable to the war reparations the German country would be forced to pay in future years; a farmer's son destroys the Baron's supply of cabbages out of spite, the Baroness flees to Italy with her child out of fear, the police interrogate an innocent teenage girl about the strange occurrences, a barn catches fire and the fire department is unable to save it, and a man hangs himself in his tool shed out of grief for his starving family. Rest assured, there are dozens of other examples of the impact anxiety has on the community, all of which are executed perfectly, but subtly. It is very important to give this film multiple viewings, so as to decipher and appreciate the covert hints at the state of mind pre- Age of Anxiety. The White Ribbon from Michael Haneke is, to repeat, a true masterpiece, and should be required viewing to all cinematography and history buffs interested in foreign film.

The Last Samurai (2003)

"The Last Samurai"Directed by Edward Zwick

Plot Overview:

            Set in the 1870s, "The Last Samurai" follows U.S. Captain Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise), a bitter alcoholic caused by his traumatization from his participation in the massacre of the Native American people during the Indian Wars. He is employed by his former commanding officer, Colonel Bagley, who had led the massacre of the Native Americans, by Omura, a wealthy Japanese businessman to train the Japanese army in order to suppress the samurai rebellion in Japan. Despite Algren's hate towards Bagley, he accepts for the pay and sails to Japan, and starts training the Japanese army. When Omura's railroad is attacked by the samurai, he forces Algren to go out with his untrained army to engage the Samurai. The Japanese army is forced to retreat and Algren is left to fend for himself and is eventually captured after killing a number of samurai. While in captivity at the samurai village, he is still given a lot of freedom and he eventually comes to appreciate the samurai culture and way and he learns the way of the samurai (i.e. swordsmanship and martial arts) as well as their culture and language. He learns from Katsumoto, the leader of the rebellion, that the samurai were rebelling against Japan's Westernization. He also learns that he had killed the husband of Taka, Katsumoto's sister, and he attempts to apologize to her, and they eventually get closer together. At he village he overcomes the traumas of his past and his alcoholism.
             Afterwards, Katsumoto, along with Algren and some samurai (including Katsumoto's son), goes to Tokyo to meet with the Emperor, his former student, to get him to make the right choice, however, they find that the Emperor's advisers were calling the shots, including Omura, who supports the Westernization of Japan and plans to use the Westernized army to crush the rebellion At a council meeting between the advisers and the Emperor, Katsumoto is arrested for honoring the traditions of the samurai by carrying his swords. Algren and the other samurai go to rescue Katsumoto from his imprisonment, however, in the act of doing so, Katsumoto's son, Nobutada, is killed.
              At the village, Algren and the samurai prepare for the army's imminent attack. Before leaving to fight, Taka dresses Algren in the armor worn by Taka's husband and is given a samurai sword that was forged specifically for him. On the battlefield, the samurai lures the first regiment of the Japanese Imperial Army away from the rest of the army and ambush them with fire and arrows and then meets them with swords, forcing the remaining soldiers to retreat. Then Katsumoto and Algren lead a charge on horseback, breaking through enemy lines with slomo explosions from western artillery given to the army, only to be stopped by two Gatling guns, completely decimating the samurai. Algren then helps Katsumoto, who is on the brink of death, commit sepuku so that he has an honorable death. In response to this, the soldiers of the army kneel and bow, recognizing and honoring the death of a samurai.
             In the middle of a meeting between Omura, the Emperor, and Western diplomats over a treaty with the US opening up trade with the US, Algren limps in bearing Katsumoto's sword. He then presents the sword saying that Katsumoto would have wanted the Emperor to have it and honor the traditions of the Japansese. The Emperor takes the sword, stating that while Westernization is helpful for the country, it is not the right thing for Japan. Omura rejects this but the Emperor threatens him and takes away his family's money to give to the people and he rejects the trade offer. In the end, Algren returns to the village to live with Taka and the other widows and children as the "Last (white) Samurai."


  • Tom Cruise as Captain Nathan Algren
  • Ken Watanabe as Lord Moritsugu Katsumoto
  • Koyuki as Taka
  • Seizo Fukumoto as the Silent Samurai
  • Shin Koyamada as Nobutada
  • Hiroyuki Sanada as Ujio
  • Tony Goldwyn as Colonel Bagley
  • Shichinosuke Nakamura as Emperor Meiji
  • Masato Harada as Omura
  • Timothy Spall as Simon Graham
  • Billy Connolly as Sergeant Zebulon Gant
  • Sosuke Ikematsu as Higen
  • Shun Sugata as Nakao
  • Scott Wilson as Ambassador Swanbeck

Historical Accuracy:

             This movie is inspired by the Satsuma Rebellion of 1877 that was led by Saigo Takamori during the 19th Century Meiji Restoration Era of Japan. It was also inspired by stories of Jules Benet, who was a French captain who fought with Enomoto Takeaki, who fought against the new Meiji government during a previous rebellion called the Boshin War and Frederick Townsend Ward, and American soldier who created and trained a westernized Chinese army called the Ever Victorious Army. The actual events that transpired in the movie never actually happened. They did have a decent depiction of the Meiji government, which was corrupted by the Emperor's advisers, however, it did not show how they were all previous samurai who put down their swords for the sake of a Westernized Japan. However they did have an accurate depiction of village life and how women had specific roles that were different from the duties of men. In the movie it depicts Taka putting wood in the fire, and Algren goes to help her but she tries to refuse, saying that it wasn't the job of men. They also have an accurate depiction of Bushido, or the way of the sword, in that they find it honorable to die in battle by the enemy's blade or one's one blade (sepuku).

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

"Saving Private Ryan" Analysis

directed by Stephen Spielberg

Plot Overview:

            "Saving Private Ryan" opens with Tom Hanks, starring as a Captain John H. Miller, in WWII as he storms Omaha Beach on D-Day along with his troops in the US Army Rangers. Afterwards, the movie follows Tom Hanks and his squad comprised of Mike Horvath (Tom Siezmore), Richard Reiban (Edward Burns), Daniel Jackson (Barry Pepper), Mellish (Adam Goldberg), Adrian Caparzo (Vin Diesel), Wade (Jeremy Davis), and Upham (Jeremy Davies) and their mission to find and bring back a Private Ryan (Matt Damon), who lost his three brothers. This movie puts you in the middle of WWII, with blood, guts, and gore as the US soldiers of the Charlie Company are decimated as they attempted to and eventually took Omaha Beach. Three Days after D-Day Miller (Hanks) and his men are tasked with finding Private Ryan (Damon). Their search for Ryan leads them through treacherous situations, resulting in the losses of first Caparzo to a sniper when they were helping troops from the 101st Airborne Division  in a town called Neuville (which was where they thought Ryan was as he was part of their Division) and then Wade, their medic to a machine gunner after Miller decided to take out a German machine gun nest. Finally finding Ryan, they tell him that his three brothers are dead and that he can go home now. However, he decides to stay with the "brothers [he has] left" (his fellow soldiers) in their task to defend a strategic bridge. Miller and his men decide to stay and help and face impossible odds against waves of German infantry and tanks. In an epic struggle, the meager American forces are pushed back to the bridge, losing many of their men including the majority of Miller's men (except for Upham and Reiban as well as Private Ryan), and with Miller on the brink of death and a tank about to cross the bridge, American reinforcements come, causing the German's to flee. In the end Miller dies, telling Private Ryan to "earn this," and then the movie cuts back to present day with Ryan asking himself in front of Miller's grave whether he had earned his life by living his life to the fullest to which his wife responds that he had and is. The movie ends with Ryan saluting Miller's grave.

The Cast:

  • Tom Hanks as Captain John H. Miller
  • Matt Damon as Private First Class James Francis Ryan, a paratrooper
  • Tom Sizemore as Technical Sergeant Mike Horvath
  • Edward Burns as Private First Class Richard Reiben, an automatic rifleman
  • Barry Pepper as Private Daniel Jackson, a sharpshooter
  • Adam Goldberg as Private Stanley "Fish" Mellish, a rifleman
  • Vin Diesel as Private First Class Adrian Caparzo, a rifleman
  • Giovanni Ribisi as Technician Fourth Grade Irwin Wade, a medic
  • Jeremy Davies as Technician Fifth Grade Timothy E. Upham, a cartographer

Historical Accuracy:

This film is very accurate, at least in terms of WWII combat. It makes use of all the correct weaponry and vehicle of the time period as well as events such as the storming of the Omaha Beach on D-Day which was a very accurate depiction of the seasickness that soldiers felt on the boats heading towards the beach as well as Charlie Company's actions in their taking of Omaha Beach. There were some historical discrepancies in the movie. There was no Miller and mission to save a Private Ryan. And while the bridge was a goal of the American troops to defend, it was not that of the 101st Airborne Division. Regardless of these discrepancies, "Saving Private Ryan" portrayed all of the fighting extremely realistically, showing just how brutally gruesome WWII was (though it was a bit ridiculous how the main characters' remained relatively unscathed and how bullets basically hit everything but them).